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Gut Health - The Immune System in Your Gut - Part I
The gut is a magical place. This long tube is not just where we breakdown and assimilate food it is also the gatekeeper to the outside...
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Gut Health - Probiotics, Synbiotics and Fermented Foods
You might wonder, do I have to take prebiotics and probiotics together to receive the benefit? The answer is no, but it may be easier to...
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Gut Health - Probiotics, Synbiotics and Fermented Foods
You now know all about probiotics but what about prebiotics and what about synbiotics? What are these and how are they different from...
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Gut Health - Five most common questions around probiotic supplements.
In this blog post we are going to discuss five of the most common questions around probiotic supplements. Do probiotics need to be...
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Gut Health - Navigating the World of Probiotic Supplements - Part II
With so many probiotics on the shelves, it can be confusing to choose one. In this blog, we are going to discuss what you need to...
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Gut Health - Navigating the World of Probiotic Supplements - Part I
Do you know what the difference is between all of those bottles of probiotics on the shelf? We know that navigating the supplement world...
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Gut Health - Probiotic Myths
In our last blog we discussed the different types of probiotics, in this blog we are going to debunk four of the most popular probiotic...
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Gut Health - Did you know there are various types of probiotics?
Probiotics are often referred to as one specific thing, but really there are various types of probiotics and the definition is starting...
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Gut Health - Probiotics 101
Are you familiar with probiotics? Chances are even if you haven’t used them yourself, you’ve heard a lot of talk about them. Probiotics...
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Gut Health - What makes a healthy microbiome?
There are three overall key components to a healthy microbiome: 1. Diversity 2. Richness 3. Resiliency Diversity is about having many...
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Gut Health - Microbes and the Microbiome
Did you know when it comes to the number of cells that make you up you are mostly microbes and bacteria? Before you get grossed out, deny...
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Gut Health - The Microbiome and Digestion - Part III
In this post, we are going to discuss 5 ways to increase good bacteria and improve gut quality. Let's dig right in. 1. Eat lots of...
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Gut Health - The Microbiome and Digestion - Part II - Feeding your Microbes
In this post, we are going to provide you with concrete recommendations on how to keep your gut and its bugs happy and healthy. A healthy...
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Gut Health - The Microbiome and Digestion - Part I
In this post, we are going to specifically look at how bacteria fit into this whole mix of surviving and thriving as a human and how they...
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Gut Health - Introduction to the Microbiome
Did you know, you, can tell a lot about a person just from their poop along with their microbiome and gut bacteria. For example, a gut...
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Gut Health - Digestion & Health: How to change your relationship with food
Here is something to think about. How did the home environment you grew up in shape your views about food? No matter how or where you...
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Gut Health - Digestion & Health - Hormones in Digestion
The Greek physician Galen viewed the stomach as a feeling being that knew when it was empty or full. He believed that nature granted the...
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Gut Health - Digestion & Health: Absorption of Nutrients "you are what you absorb"
Did you know that the most important phase of digestion is if and how nutrients are absorbed? If this step doesn't happen then all of...
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Gut Health - Introduction to Digestion: Breaking It Down: Mechanical & Chemical Digestion
The process of digestion can be broken down into three phases, The Cephalic (oral) phase when you put food in your mouth that travels...
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Gut Health - Introduction to Digestion: Phase III of Digestion "The Intestinal Phase"
Now that the food turned bolus, turned chyme is in the small intestine, we enter the 3rd Phase of Digestion, The Intestinal Phase. The...
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